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Cerena Honey


Local honey, also called Mude ghar honey or Apis Cerena, is made from native Nepali honey bees traditionally harvested in the Kartik season, Kattike, and during Baishak Jestha, Barkhe. Honey is produced by bees following the seasons; in the ashoj season, phapar is cultivated, and bees produce honey with a phapar flavor; in the mangsir-poush, they produce honey with a tori and cheuri taste; in comparison to other seasons, bees produce more honey during the tori season; they even have honey by grazing in various medicinal herbs and flowers; due to drought, there is no honey production in Magh and Falgun; however, in Chaitra Baisakh, oranges, including different varieties of fruits, are available, and from there, bees can again produce honey with a delightful taste. The Cerena variety of honey cannot be migrated, unlike the Melifera variety, and it can only be found in natural, pesticide-free areas.

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Bees are an essential part of agriculture, with over 20,000 species identified worldwide. Agridirect works with apiarists in Lalitpur, Rural municipality, ward number 5.
Apiarists in Lalitpur look after Apis Cerena. Apis Cerena is also known as an Asian honey bee. Asian honey bees are rich in anti-oxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Bees pollinate millions of hectares of crops, contributing to biodiversity and sustainability.

Apis bees are divided into Rani, Karme, and Bhale (Mauri). Each hive has a single Rani mauri, the center of the packs. Rani mauri is more widespread than other mauri; it is similar and resembles a hornet. Her body is black, her wings are tiny, and her legs are brown. Her primary function is to lay eggs; she can lay (4-5 lakh) eggs over her lifetime. Bees’ secrets include the primer pheromones, releaser pheromones, and alarm pheromones based on their needs. The queen bee secretes a pheromone called queen mandibular; upon sensing or smelling this pheromone, all bees become one.

Karma mauri are the female bees that are not capable of reproducing. They have work like feeding the queen, housekeeping, and collecting the pollen from nectar. And also they make wax.

Bhale mauri is also known as drone bees. They don’t possess a stinger. He cannot collect the pollen because of lacing nectar; the worker bees fed them. Bhale Mauri’s primary role is to make Rani Mauri happy(by mating with the queen).

Bees gather nectar, deposit it into the comb, and then use their wings to evaporate it to form honey. Agridirect termed the flame as dream honey because of its massive health advantage.

Local honey, also called Mude ghar honey or Apis Cerena, is made from native Nepali honey bees traditionally harvested in the Kartik season, Kattike, and during Baishak Jestha, Barkhe. Honey is produced by bees following the seasons; in the ashoj season, phapar is cultivated, and bees produce honey with a phapar flavor; in the mangsir-poush, they produce honey with a tori and cheuri taste; in comparison to other seasons, bees produce more honey during the tori season; they even have honey by grazing in various medicinal herbs and flowers; due to drought, there is no honey production in Magh and Falgun; however, in Chaitra Baisakh, oranges, including different varieties of fruits, are available, and from there, bees can again produce honey with a delightful taste. The Cerena variety of honey cannot be migrated, unlike the Melifera variety, and it can only be found in natural, pesticide-free areas.

Cerena Honey tastes like one of the lifetime tastes suitable for all ages. #Agridirect has termed it as #dreamhoney. Agridireci is more focused on a healthy life.

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Weight N/A

1 Kg, 0.5 Kg


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